Stanislav Matuszek

Assistant Professor

Silesian University
School of Business Administration
Department of Finance
Univerzitni nam. 1934/3
733 01 Karvina
Czech Republic

phone: +420 596 398 215
fax: +420 596 312 062

Stanislav Matuszek graduated from the VSB-Technical University in Ostrava in 1995.
He entered the investment management industry in 1993 as a technical analyst and portfolio manager in the Comp. FININ (part owner until September 1995). In the period of 1995 and 1997, he was employed as a consultant for investments in the Czech Republic (for the Comp. GVB Ltd., UK). During the past few years he has been a consultant in the field of financial econometric modeling and application of private investment strategies on futures and option markets (since 2000, up to now).
Since 1995 he has worked as Assistant Professor at the School of Business Administration of Silesian University. He lectures in courses: Corporate Finance A, Financial Analysis and Planning, Money, Banks and Financial Markets.

Professional and research orientation
Portfolio Management, Financial Derivatives
Further Information :

Curriculum Vitae

Publication Activity
