Mgr. Lenka Přečková

Assistant professor

Silesian University
School of Business Administration
Department of Finance
Univerzitni nam. 1934/3
733 01 Karvina
Czech Republic

tel.: +420 596 398 323
fax: +420 596 312 062

Lenka Přečková graduated from the Pedagogical Faculty at the University of Ostrava, in the field of pedagogy in general educational courses. In 1991, she passed the state exam and obtained her MA.
After she finished her university study, she was employed as a mathematics and physics teacher at a basic school in Orlova. From 1997 to 2003, she worked as a trade broker and later, she was employed as a head of the brokerage department in an insurance company in Ostrava, from 2003 to 2006 she worked as a director of the property insurance department in a brokerage insurance company in Ostrava.
Since October 2006, she has been employed as an assistant professor at the School of Business, Silesian University. Since October 2006 she has been doing her doctoral studies at the School of Business Administration, Silesian University, the field of study corporate economics and management.
She lectures in courses Theory of Appraisement of Assets, Appraisment of Assests. She leads seminars in courses: Corporate Finance A and Money, banks and Financial Markets. 

Professional and research orientation
Corporate finance, assets valuation

Further Information :

Curriculum Vitae

Publication Activity

updated july 2009